
To Stand

Southern Ghana Union Conference

Pathfinder Camporee 2022

Valley View University, Oyibi

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SGUC Pathfinder CAMPOREE 2022

Pastor Alfred Kwasi Asiem

This year’s Camporee is one of a kind, to reignite the you within you, to be strong and courageous. Come and be empowered, inspired, develop new tools and ways of growing your spiritual life in a fast changing world.

SGUC Field Youth Directors

Pastor Mark Hado

Accra City Conference

Pastor Obed Obeng

Meridian Ghana Conference

Pastor Ransford O. Gyasi

Pioneer Ghana Conference

Pastor Joshua Kaku

South-West Ghana Conference 

Pastor Francis Benle

West-Central Ghana Conference 

Pastor Frederick Attuah

East Ghana Conference

Pastor Shadrach Appiah

Diamondfield GH Conference

Pastor Samuel Amoako

Easternview Ghana Conference

Pastor Blessing Sunrise Shalom

Volta Ghana Mission 

Pastor Solomon Owusu Obeng

Mid-South Ghana Conference

Pastor Eric Kodzo Atsisey

Oti Ghana Mission